Sinkhole Domains Using DNS with the help of PowerShell

Thanks to Jason Fossen, there was no need to create a PowerShell script to input domains to sink. He had already created one called Sinkhole-DNS.ps1 (located here). One of the options in the script is to read in a file with domains listed. I like to frequent for my listing of bad domains and wanted to use that to feed it into the PowerShell script so I fired up ISE and begin knocking out some code. In the end, I developed a script located here that will download from, uncompress it and take only the domain names out, and output them to a file. The file can then be used with the Sinkhole-DNS.ps1 script to import the domains into DNS. The syntax for this is shown below.

PS C:\Users\JoeBob\Desktop> .\Sinkhole-DNS.ps1 -InputFile .\domains_only.txt -RemoveLeadingWWW -IncludeWildCard