Mass Import of McAfee Firewall Domains to block

As of late, I’ve been experimenting more and more with the McAfee HIPS Firewall with the McAfee ePO. So far, I think it is decent. It is at least stateful, so that’s a plus. The firewall has a feature to block domains and using the GUI, you can only add them one at a time. There is an option to import them but that would require us to have it in a readable format the McAfee could understand. Thinking outside the box, I decided to put an entry in the firewall and export that policy in order to get a feel for the structure. Once I did that, I was able to take a list of domains from, change some formatting in their file, and fit it into the McAfee format. The result is a perfectly formatted firewall policy ready to import. The workhorse of it all, PowerShell!

In my testing from testing with, I imported over 14000 entries and while McAfee HIPS took it, I don’t think it can handle that much as the server became incredibly slow. Nonetheless, you could now take my script, make some minor adjustments and use it with your malware domain listing of choice. Since we are on the subject, below are a few other sites that are good sources as well.

The code, by the way, is on my github at